Wow. Almost 6500 views of this thread. This is awesome.

After we put the Maple Hill Fishway in, the MNR spent a year placing cameras at various locations on the dam and recording data. On November 14th, at 6 pm, they will be releasing their findings to the public with a presentation at the Underwood Community Center.
Bruce Power will be on hand to provide all attendees with a FREE hot supper that evening. Space is limited so if you and a buddy or you and your family wish to attend I need you to let me know by emailing me at -
It is VERY important that you RSVP so that we do not overcrowd the hall and run out of food.
That said, if you are attending, and you are not a member of the Lake Huron Fishing Club, I would ask that you consider joining as the FREE all you can eat supper will offset your out of pocket expenses!
The efforts of a few people has put the Club in a much better place but we need to increase our membership numbers in order to put another 2,000,000 trout and another 5,000,000 Salmon into Lake Huron and GB............Thanks in advance guys (and gals of course).

Link to LHFC ONLINE signup, click here...................