Dr. Chris Bunt (inventor of the Camera at each Node) posted this today:

October 10 2012 - Thornury and Denny's Dam Fishways

Power was disrupted for mainline repairs at Node 11 and we are now working to restore the satellite link. We hope to have the system back online by tomorrow. We would really like to adjust the Node 10 camera that was knocked out of place by big salmon, but we will wait until the run subsides so we do not disrupt it too much. We are still able to accurately process data, but the image quality for online feeds and archives is compromised .

These fishway counter nodes are still works in progress. It is not an easy task to build algorithms and processes to accurately count, identify and size-class fish using video cameras and image processing - but we are pretty good at what we do given the challenges we face. The BRAVO system is being refined on a daily basis and data are being accurately uploaded as they are processed, but sometimes there may be a delay of several hours to several days. We are currently limited by system resources and funding. In addition, there are some misconceptions about why we have built and deployed this network in the first place. It is not designed to let anglers know where and when is the best time or place to go fishing. Just because fish pass our counting systems in the fishways does not exclude the possibility that fish fall back over the dams, hold up in head-ponds or other deep pools and many other factors that affect anglers and tourists interpretation of our data relative to their pursuit of seeing or catching fish. Our data should be considered preliminary until we are able to process all the relevant data that our system produces. It is all stored onsite, and is effectively transferred to our servers automatically under most circumstances. The full complement of data from any one site may take several days to verify and accurately process, so please do not plan your day around our counts, because they are preliminary and subject to change (increase). Live feeds are good though, so if you see fish live - we are counting them and there are fish going through the structures that are being monitored in real-time.

Please take note - there are important and exciting system upgrades that we expect to announce in early 2013

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I was on the Denny's Camera just now and it is working, although we still continue to fine tune it.