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The petition reads;
TO The Legislative Assembly of Ontario:
WHEREAS beginning April 26th 2013, the new five-year commercial fishing Agreement that the Saugeen Ojibway Nation and Ontario Government have signed allowing commercial fishing to resume in Owen Sound and Colpoys
Bay year-round over the term of the agreement; and
WHEREAS the terms and conditions of the Agreement were drafted and signed without full and proper consultations with all affected community groups, such as local sportsmen’s clubs who have and continue to do a tremendous amount of work in regard to stocking bays with fish to support the sports fishery; and
WHEREAS the aforementioned groups were promised by the former MNR Minister Donna Cansfield that full and proper consultation would take place before any agreement would be signed; and
WHEREAS the Agreement provides no guarantees Native fishermen won’t set their gill nets deep inside nor within
1-kilometre radius of the mouths of Gleeson Brook, as well as the Bothwell, Waterton and Kiefers Creeks to protect spawning salmon, and rainbow trout; and
WHEREAS the use of gill nets poses a safety risk to recreational angling and pleasure boating, and expansion of netting further into the bays threatens to destabilize fish stock and thus local sport fishing, tourism and the economy;
THEREFORE, we the undersigned petition the Legislative Assembly of Ontario as follows:
To repeal the agreement created between the Saugeen Ojibway Nation and Ontario Government, effective immediately and renegotiate a new agreement in consultation with all key stakeholders, including the sports fishing community.
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