The hoop is the standard 18 x 13 inch Steelhead shape made up of 5 layers, 3 - 1/8 inch thick laminations of Black Walnut separated by 2 - 1/16 inch thick layers of Tiger Maple, rounded off with a 1/2 inch radius all around the outside so the laminations show up from the side.
The handle is made of Tiger Maple, it is 12 inches long.
Overall length is approx. 30 1/4". Net depth is approx 22 inches.
There is also custom brass eyelet and strap on the handle end.
Cost for this net will be $130.00 with 22" netbag and handle strap included for GBO members, any options would be extra.
Options could include, Magnetic Net Release, Brass Inch Dots, additional wood burning or owners Name added.