Reno Viola with Darryl Choronzey
Published on 05-03-2013 01:59 PM
Number of Views: 3875
What would 2 Canadian Hall of Fame Anglers talk about for an hour on a radio show? If it's Reno Viola talking to Chronzy you gotta know the touchy feely butt kissing BS will be nowhere in sight. In this very entertaining and informative interview the Darryl of old showed up and let er rip.
As members of GBO know Darryl is one of the most outspoken and informed people in Canada when it comes to our Steelhead fishery and has spend countless hours with the Ontario Steelheaders and LHFC working to make a better fishery in Grey/Bruce.
Do yourself a favour and make some time to sit down and listen to this show.
Keep up the good work Reno and Darryl!
Earlier this year Reno Viola started up a online radio station that has become a go to location for anyone looking for information about tournaments and other interesting fishing related topics. Check it out here also on iTunes podcasts, search for Reno Viola Outdoors.
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